Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A new dinner menu...tofu night!

Curtis and I like to mix it up for dinner. Sometimes we do meat, sometimes we do vegetarian. I've been doing this for mainly one real reason: It's obviously healthier. Now I know a lot of vegetarians, and I know they don't eat meat for that reason too. But I also know they don't eat meat because they don't believe something should die for them to have dinner. And I totally get that and I think it's cool. Hey, more power to you! But alas, I could never be vegetarian 100%. So, my compromise up to recently has been: mix it up.
Awhile ago Curtis and I were watching a tv show called 30 days. (Same guy that put out Super Size Me. It's an awesome series btw, you should put it in your Netflicks like right now) Anyways, a meat eater (like die hard meat man) goes to live with this vegan animal rescuer lady for 30 days. Very extreme, I know--but it made for good tv. Anyways, (I swear I have a point here, hold on...) the vegan lady takes the man eater...let's call him Mountain Jack (I forgot his name) to a farm that produces the meat he eats for dinner. It was disturbing to watch how cruel the animals were treated. Now, I won't go into details but the cows that are already dead and rotting...those become ground beef. There was a lot more and it was super sad and I remember thinking I totally support stiff punishment for people who do cruel things to animals. But no one ever knocked on my door asking me to sign a petition and I went on with my merry life.
Then Heidi posted a blog about non-free range animals and the conditions they experience. Well, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. I have decided if I am going to eat meat, the very least I can do is support a store that gets its meat from small farms and free range farms. I mean I can be thick headed and stubborn, but I'm not a jerk--especially about something I already agree is wrong.
So, I am going to buy all my meat from now on from Whole Foods. (I asked Heidi and she said go here and trust me, she would know). Whole Foods is expensive as hell. So I am ONLY buying meat from them. I'll still be in Trader Joes for my tortilla chips and artichoke dip!!
Anyways, this was really long. But before I go, check the dinner Curtis made tonight: Tofu and Veggie Stir Fry!
We have eaten this many times, but never cooked it. Step one: Dice into cubes.

Curtis made a soy sauce base marinade. It smelled delish!

Finale: Tofu Veggie Stir Fry with brown rice. Yummy! I scarfed mine down in minutes!


Heidi Powers said...

I'm going to keep investigating for more affordable choices but I do have to say Whole Foods does usually have good sales every week where you pay 3.99 lb or less for poultry and pork or beef 4.99 to 5.99 lb. Also, if you buy the family packs they usually cost 30 cents less per pound! Go Williams-you have made a positive change for your health, the environment, and the animals!

Adrienne said...

YAY animals!

KennyDoll77 said...

I haven't cooked like that in a long long time. I need to get back on the horse.