Sunday, March 25, 2012

Yasmin's Steamed Buns

 We headed uptown to hang out with some dear friends the other night and boy did we make out - not only did we have fun playing board games and catching up - they cooked for us! These are two steamed buns - one chicken, one steak. Boy, they were good.

 The toppings were intense - shallots and garlic, mushroom with lemon and olive oil, braised brussel sprouts with dill and mustard seed and chopped carrots.

 I was so impressed that they made steamed buns. I asked Yasmin how she pulled it off and she presented to me the Momofuku Cookbook. Damn. I didn't know Momofuku had a cookbook! Wish list NOW oh husband of mine. Anyways, you can find the recipe for the Momofuku steamed buns online here too.

As much as I enjoyed the steamed buns, I enjoyed these gems much more. They are called Pao de Queijo - which means Brazilian Cheese Puffs. These things are SO good. They are made with tapioca flour which gives them a unique chewy texture - kind of like rice cakes. I found a recipe online here. You can use any kind of cheese you want. This recipe had 75% reduced fat cheddar and Parmesan.

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