Monday, February 21, 2011

11 Point Dinner

Such an easy dish - I sauteed brussel sprouts in EVOO for a few minutes and then took it off the heat when they were ready. I tossed in a chopped Fuji apple at the end (I wanted the apple to be a little cold and crisp, not warm and mushy). For you WW peeps, the only thing that counts in this is the Extra Virgin Olive Oil. (4 pts) Boo YAH!

This my friends is good ol' corned beef and cabbage. I heart this dish - my mom would make it growing up and she made it the right way - slow cooked in the crock pot all day. Yum! I made mine in a large pot on the stove and it only took about 5 hours ( although I think it would of been fine to eat in 4). Here is how to make it yourself...
I got this recipe online and for you WW folks, one serving is only 7 points! Get out!

2 large onion(s), sliced

2 clove(s) (medium) garlic clove(s), chopped

1 3/4 pound(s) corned beef brisket, lean, trimmed of all visible fat
3 medium carrot(s), cut into 2-inch chunks (optional - I actually didn't add any)
3 medium uncooked potato(es), all-purpose, peeled and cut into 2-inch chunks
1 pound(s) green cabbage, cored and cut into 8 wedges
1 1/4 cup(s) reduced-sodium chicken broth (I didn't have this item either and it still tasted fine without it)


  • Place the onions and garlic in a slow cooker. Place the corned beef on top of the onions. Arrange the carrots and potatoes around the meat. Place cabbage wedges on top of vegetables. Pour the broth over and around the vegetables. Cover and cook until the meat and vegetables are fork-tender, 4–5 hours on high or 8–10 hours on low.

  • Transfer the corned beef to a platter and cut into slices. With a slotted spoon, lift the vegetables from the broth and place around the meat. Yields 1/8 of dinner per serving.


  • A tablespoon, or two, of mustard should be enough to accompany this amount of food. For the tamer palate, serve a prepared mustard such as Dijon.

    To save precious time in the morning, assemble all the ingredients in the insert of the slow cooker the night before and refrigerate. In the morning, you’ll only need pop the insert into the slow cooker and plug it in.

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